About Lyreco

Lyreco is more than just a workplace solutions company. We partner with our customers to drive performance, from savings to sustainability.

International Mental Health Awareness Day

Happy Mental Health Awareness Day!

At Lyreco, we believe that our mental health is as important as our physical wellbeing and should be treated with care and support. We wanted to share something a little different for Mental Health Awareness Day, so we’ve gathered the experts for their advice!

As working environments continue to discuss different aspects surrounding the mental health of employees, the stigma subsides as more people feel comfortable sharing their experiences.

As a company, we have invested in our employees’ wellbeing in a variety of ways. Our Lyreco Goodness Strategy, exemplifies this philosophy of ‘being the change you want to see in the world’, starting with our people and our communities. We have our wellbeing dog, Winston, who brightens up any room, with regular walks around the office. Winston is also available for employees to book in time to go and visit him, in his very own office!

We have trained Mental Health Advisors who are happy to support anyone who would like a confidential chat, be it in their professional or personal lives. Often just having someone to talk to can reduce stress levels, and increase mental wellbeing.

There’s also a wide selection of seating areas both in our eco-garden, central courtyard and around our Head Office, offering perfect retreats to reflect, rejuvenate and de-stress.

At Lyreco we really do see ourselves as a family. We celebrate individuality, encourage personal growth and embrace collaborative working styles – which we believe are key components for maintaining a healthy mind. For Mental Health Awareness Week, we’ve asked our Mental Health Advisors to provide their top tips for good mental health and wellbeing, please see below for support and advice:

Pierre Baronet – National Distribution Supervisor

“Make time for yourself to have some “me time”. This can be 30 minutes, an hour or even more depending on your lifestyle or time needed.

This time should be used to focused on doing something you enjoy so you can switch off from everything else around you.  A hobby is a great place to start, reading, walking, gardening, or DIY if that’s what you enjoy.”

Jemma Gojka – Health, Safety & Wellbeing Business Partner

“Keeping active and exercising can really help you maintain good mental health. Being active doesn’t just give you a sense of achievement, it helps boost the chemicals in your brain that help put you in that good mood.

Talking about your feelings is a big one for me; it can help in times when you feel troubled because feeling listened to can help you feel more supported.

Talking about your feelings isn’t a sign of weakness, it’s a part of taking control of your well-being and doing what you can to stay healthy.”


Alan Fannigan – Customer Service Team Leader

“Give yourself credit for the days you’ve made it through when you thought you couldn’t.”

Clare Rogerson – Area Sales Manager

“I appreciate a pretty backdrop and if that means I might have to walk a bit to find the perfect picture, then all the better – I am very lucky to live beside the coast and love the smell of sea air (not for everyone I know!)

It may sound simple, but when I’m not feeling myself, I try to think of things that make me happy and then I go and do that. Spending time with my two beautiful nieces is always time well spent.”


Anna Hawtin – People Advisor

“Always try to get up, washed and dressed to face the day ahead! Don’t spend too much time undressed mooching about as it soon becomes a very slippery slope of feeling unmotivated.”

Lee Barton – Regional Distribution Centre Manager

“My top tips for mental health are: have a change of scenery, be active and get out for a walk, and talk to family and friends where possible.”


If you need someone to talk to, and you do not wish to confide in your colleagues, friends, or family – The Samaritans are an incredible team of over 16,200 volunteers who specialise in reducing feelings of isolation and stress without judgement or pressure.

If you enjoyed reading our mental Health First Aider’s Top Tips, be sure to follow us on our social media by clicking below to be the first to hear about our latest news and blog posts.
