Foot Protection

Boots, Shoes & Trainers

for every environment

Safety Footwear is essential PPE in a variety of working environments. But in some workspaces, Occupational Footwear styles are more suitable.

The purpose of Safety and Occupational Footwear is to protect the wearers feet from the hazards associated with the job role or working environment they are in. Discover our range of Safety and Occupational Shoes, Boots, and Trainers.



Lyreco offer a number of female specific styles of Safety Footwear & Occupational Footwear, including Ladies Boots, Ladies Shoes and Ladies Safety Trainers.

Women working in Industry require fit for purpose PPE to work safely and this includes comfortable and correctly fitting Safety Footwear. As with other PPE and Workwear the consequences of not wearing or having access to suitable products can result in a number of shorter or long term health issues.

Discover Women's Footwear
Women's Footwear

Our Services


With our Footwear Solutions & Services, we can help reduce the effects of common podiatric ailments such as plantar fasciitis, foot and leg fatigue, achilles tendonitis and even back and knee pain.


From user guides to technical specifications, explore our library of footwear resources, collated from the biggest and most trusted brands in PPE and safety.

Discover Resources
Footwear Resources

Did you know…


Major Injuries

Slips and trips are the most common cause of injury at work, accounting for on average 40% of all major injuries reported.


Broken Bones

95% of major slips result in broken bones and they can also be the initial cause for a range of other types of accident such as a fall from height.


Non-Fatal Workplace Injuries

In 2021/22 – Slip Trips and Falls on the same level accounted for 30% of Non-Fatal workplace Injuries.

Source: HSE

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