Lyreco for education
We run and support a multitude of charities financially as well as by committing all employees to give time for charitable endeavours.
As well as our local work, we want to help some of the most vulnerable and most in need. We felt that we could do the most good for some of the world’s poorest communities by helping children access a better education. That’s why we set up Lyreco For Education.
The objective is to increase school enrolment and reduce school dropout rate by improving the quality of education and learning conditions.
6 countries supported
since 2008

ETHIOPIA 2023-2026
From January 2023, and over the next 3 years, our more than 12,000 employees will take action to raise 1 million euros that will directly support 17,000 children enrolled in 10 schools in Bahir Dar, Ethiopia.
In partnership with CARE, we will improve the infrastructures and the quality of education and learning conditions for:
- More than 17,000 children
- 10 schools
- 400 teachers and school workers
- 54,000 family members indirectly
Cambodia 2019-2022
In January 2019 we set the target of helping 11,000 children enrol in primary and secondary schools in North-Eastern Cambodia. Since then our 10,000 employees have been driving fundraising activity and, we’re proud to say, we’re well on our way to reaching that target.
- 11,000 children
- 26 schools supported
- 1 boarding house built for 60 students
- 92 teachers trained in scientific and digital education
- 60 scholarships
- €667,000 raised by the end of 2022.
Madagascar 2015-2018
From 2015 to 2018 Lyreco and its employees raised funds for a range of educational initiatives in Madagascar. This included: rebuilding and renovating school facilities, training teachers and equipping schools as well as educating parents about the importance of school for their children.
- €1.2m collected
- 17,000 children supported
- 32 schools supported.
Togo 2011-2014
Togo in Africa was the focus of our 2011-2014 activity.
- €1.2m raised
- 60,000 children supported
- 200 primary schools, 58 early-childhood centres and four secondary schools supported
- 49 schools built
- 165 school directors and 225 teachers trained
- 750 mothers involved in mothers clubs
- 3,332 students have access to IT equipment.
Brazil 2010
- €277,600 collected
- 3,000 children supported
- 11 schools supported
- 64 teachers trained.
Vietnam 2009
- €188k collected
- 2,300 children supported
- 20 schools.
Bangladesh 2008
- €175k collected
- 8,400 children supported
- 50 early-childhood centres
Local and national charity work
Lyreco participates in a number of local and national charity initiatives, employees raising money through bake sales, 10,000-step challenges, 3 National Peak Challenge and other initiatives. The company also makes charitable donations as a percentage of certain products sales to our 5 charity partners:
Employee Volunteering Stories 2023
Our Lyreco Employee Volunteering Scheme gives all Lyreco UK and Ireland employees an opportunity to volunteer for a charity or organisation of their choice to make a real difference and achieve something GREAT. Employees are eligible to request up to 2 days* (equivalent to 15 hours) paid leave per year to take part in volunteering activities.
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Young Enterprise
Working with Young Enterprise, Lyreco employees have had the opportunity to offer practical advice and support to young people across the UK. Activity includes:
- Digital programmes to help young people understand the importance of building bright futures through career development
- Physical programmes and workshops, providing one to one support in the classroom and bringing the world of work to life.
- Provided education resources to schools
- Took part in regional and national events highlighting the true difference Young Enterprise makes in young people’s lives.

Telford and Crisis Network
In 2012, we were excited and proud to be invited to support the set up of the Telford and Crisis Network. The project gets businesses working together with public, voluntary and community groups who want to support people in crisis in the Telford area.
Over the years, Lyreco and its employees have been able to help with collections and donations of goods and food as well as give help and guidance to people in need.