First Aid Consumables

Plasters, Bandages, Eyepads

& More

Discover everything you need to replenish your first aid kits.

First aid kits don’t always need to be replaced when you use them, in many cases you can simply replenish your first aid kit with first aid consumables, saving cost and reducing waste.

Consider your environment

Generally, all first aid consumables will cover a wide array of workplaces and working environments. For example, when working in food production or hospitality, blue plasters are required as opposed to fabric alternatives.

Always Check Shelf Life

Check your first aid consumables regularly as some items can expire. If items have passed their expiry date, then they may be ineffective and unsafe and should be disposed of as soon as possible. Always check the manufacturer expiry date.

Did you know…


Fingers, Wrist, Thumbs

23% of all workplace injuries involve fingers, wrist, thumbs, or the rest of the arm.


Upper Limb Injuries

70% of upper limb injuries keeps an employee off work for over 7 days.


Sprains & Strains

Sprains & strains account for over 27% of all non fatal injuries in 2021/22.

Source: HSE

Standards & Markings


The British Standard BS8599-1:2019 was introduced in 2011 to meet the needs of the industry, users and stakeholders, and sets the minimum level that workplace first aid kits should conform to. The standard supports the Health and Safety (First Aid) Regulations 1981 which require all employers to have first aid kits available in the workplace.


The British Standard for vehicle first aid kits. Components have been specifically selected for ease of use, and for coping with both minor and major road traffic accident injuries, without the need for special training. The size and the quantity of kits for any vehicle is determined by the vehicle type and passenger numbers.

Discover First Aid Consumables

Explore First Aid Consumables from Lyreco, supplied by one of the biggest brands across PPE & safety.

Our Safety Brand

Reliance Medical


Plasters are the most basic form of first aid, but they are also highly effective.

Our range comes in assorted sizes and covers a variety of use cases, including fabric plasters and wash-proof plasters for general use, and blue plasters, with metal-detectable properties and wash-proof, for the food production and hospitality sectors.

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Plaster being administered to worker

Dressings & Bandages

For use in more serious incidents, our selection of dressings & bandages should have you covered.

Our range includes HSE dressings and finger dressings, which are ideal for wounds larger than a plaster and are perfect for use across all sectors. Our triangular bandages for multi-functional use, such as adding additional protection to a dressing or to create a sling or splint in the event of a limb injury.

Our conforming bandages will also provide increased protection and help apply pressure to a dressing covering a bleeding wound.

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Dressings and bandages


In the event of an eye injury, an eyepad dressing can be used as protection to the damaged eye after use of eyewash treatment.

Eyepad dressings are ideal for use across any workplace and all working environments.

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First Aid Accessories

Explore our selection of first aid accessories, including first aid kit refill products, first aid consumable replacements, and defibrillator accessories.

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First Aid Accessories