Lyreco Intersafe Services

More Than Products.

Services Too.

Working with our most reliable suppliers and trusted brands within PPE and Safety, we are proud to provide an extensive & supportive range of Safety services. 

Our services enhance the experience of the physical solutions we offer. From Face Fit Testing and Prescription Eyewear to visual management solutions in the form of Spill Management Plans, Safety Signage, and audit tools. 

Our Services

Face Fit

Face Fit Testing will help ensure that the mask selected is suitable for the wearer and will offer a secure fit.

It is vital that the face mask fits the individual wearer correctly.

Branded Head

Lyreco offer high-quality bespoke branded head protection for the workplace. Choose your helmet style, colour, and area for logo printing.


We can help you to enhance your employees’ productivity whilst also protecting their health, with EN166 certified UV blocking prescription eyewear.

Spill Hazards & Management

If your business handles hazardous liquids, it is essential that your organisation have an Emergency Spill Response Plan (ESRP) in place.

Safety Signage Self Audit Tool and Bespoke

Designed to help you take a walk around your premises and identify, manage, and reduce safety risks in the workplace.


With this solution, we can help reduce the effects of common podiatric ailments such as plantar fasciitis, foot and leg fatigue, achilles tendonitis and even back and knee pain.

Staysafe PPE

Staysafe laundering can break down the cell walls of bacteria, pathogens, and viruses. The agitation during the process also opens fibres up to sufficiently remove dirt and grease stains.

Why Choose Lyreco

For Safety

Lyreco Intersafe embodies workplace protection. Our team of ‘BSIF Safe Supply Accredited’ PPE specialists help businesses across the UK & Ireland procure PPE more accurately and sustainably, whilst delivering supplier consolidation with contract pricing on core lines – helping you save money!

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Why Choose Lyreco for Safety