Why Have a Sustainable Strategy?
At Lyreco, we are committed to taking responsibility for the impact our activities can have on the planet and its people, and to listening to the issues and needs of our stakeholders. By doing so, we have a clear view of the progress we need to make and ensure that we build in the right considerations as we design our future strategy.
Lyreco Group Sustainability Report 2023
Ar Lyreco, we are proud to have our own environmental and social admibitions aimed at driving positive, lasting change. We strive to be transparent with our customers, suppliers, and other stakeholders on all the actions we initiate and implement. Trust and clarity are essential to meeting our stakeholders’ environmental and social expectations.
Read MoreOur Goals for 2026

In order to reduce our impact on the planet, we commit to:
- Using and selling products and services that are assessed to be more sustainable, embracing a circular economy where possible
- Being carbon neutral on company vehicles and business travel, based on actions that reduce/compensate for our emissions
- Being carbon neutral in our company facilities based on actions that reduce/compensate for our emissions

We commit to offering our employees a continuously better quality of life at work as well as taking care of the communities we operate in:
- More than a job, a career; we commit to supporting the development of our people
- We aim to provide a safe and empowering working life for all our employees
- We aim to provide a safe and empowering working life for all our employees

We make sure we involve all our partners to issue the best initiatives, actions and decisions possible:
- We make sure we involve all our partners to issue the best initiatives, actions, and decisions
- We share our journey towards sustainability and embark our partners with us
- We take action to set an ethical framework in all our activities and encourage our employees and partners to adopt sustainable practices

UN Sustainable Development Goals
In 2015, The United Nations have defined 17 Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) that provide a blueprint for governments, NGOs, companies and citizens. They address the global challenges we face, including those related to poverty, inequality, climate change, environmental degradation, peace, and justice.
Learn more
A New Focus
In 2022, we have review this commitment by identifying 4 categories of SDGs for Lyreco
- SDGs that imply an indirect impact of Lyreco activities
- SDGs that imply a minor direct impact of Lyreco activities
- SDGs that imply a direct impact and that should be a basis of Lyreco day-to-day activities
- SDGs that imply a direct impact of Lyreco activities and should be strategic priorities for Lyreco