Spill Awareness
Industry now recognises that spills can have serious ecological and socio-economic consequences and are potentially hazardous to both workers, the environment, and the business.
Carrying out regular spill risk assessments and ensuring that you have the correct equipment and materials, in the right places, is important. An optimum level of preparedness and speed of response is of equal importance in ensuring that any spill, whether indoors or outdoors, is responded to in a safe, effective, and efficient manner and is essential to limit the widespread adverse consequential impacts that a spill can have.
It is essential that organisations have an Emergency Spill Response Plan (ESRP) in place and appropriate spill response training strategy in line with likely scenarios. This will enable first responders to carry out response functions when an incident or emergency occurs as well as developing their competencies and skill sets so that they can fulfil their key roles and responsibilities.
Please note: This service is UK only.
Did you know slips and falls were responsible for…
- Over a third of all reported major injuries
- 20% of ‘over-3-day’ injuries to employees
- 2 fatalities per year
- 50% of all reported accidents to members of the public that happen in workplaces. Costing employers £512million per year through lost production and other additional costs
- A £133million per year cost to the Health Service
- Incalculable Human Cost
- The most common cause of major injury within the manufacturing and service industry.
Source: www.hse.gov.uk
What training can lyreco support with?
Level 1 – Workforce Training:
An introduction to spill control absorbents and their deployment. This course is suitable for any individual who handles liquids as part of their day-to-day activities and are required to use spill kits and absorbents to deal with day-to-day ‘incidental’ spills and leaks around the workplace. This course is ideal as an introduction to the topic of spill response in the workplace.

Level 2 – First Responder:
An in depth course on spill control kits and awareness of current legislation including ISO 14001. This course is an advancement to the level 1 course. BSIF accredited and ideal for individuals who may act as first responder to liquid spills. It can be held at one of your own facilities or at the dedicated training facility in Rotherham.

Level 3 – Train The Trainer: Dry Spill Training
For the highest level of spill response aimed at first responders and trainers. This course is for up to 4 competent key personnel or your in-company trainers. It can be held at one of your own facilities or at the Ecospill training facility in Rotherham.
The course is not structured to train individuals in the skills of presentation or to train them to become trainers. Therefore, the course should be made available to experienced trainers.

level 4 – Train the trainer: Wet Spill Training
For the highest level of spill response aimed at first responders and trainers. This course is for up to 4 competent key personnel or your in-company trainers. It can be held at one of your own facilities or at the Ecospill training facility in Rotherham.
This training, similar to the Dry Spill Training is specifically designed to impact knowledge to proficient company trainers to enable competent internal training delivery.

First Responder to Liquid Spills (FRtLS) Training Course is accredited by the BSIF. Delegates who successfully complete any of the courses receive a certificate.

Qualified Trainers
Their trainers have over 45 years combined experience in the spill sector as well as holding several environmental and trainer qualifications.

Bespoke Solutions
All training courses are designed to be adaptable to help meet specific company requirements.