Fire Safety


& Blankets

Fire safety consumables play a vital role in any fire protection plan in any work environment.

They are a first response to fire and can help prevent catastrophic damage to property and even loss of life.

What Your Business Needs

Every business is different but there are some key pieces of fire safety equipment that every organisation needs irrelevant of the type of industry they are in.

Did you know…


Workers Fatally Injured

2 Self employed workers were fatally injured in 2021/22 as a result of exposure to fire.


Non Fatal Injuries

In 2021/22, 123 non fatal injuries were reported as a result of exposure to fire.


Injuries Resulting in Days Off

95, of the 123 non fatal injuries, resulted in the worker being off work for 7 or more days.

Source: HSE

Standards & Markings


The Building Safety Bill was introduced to tackle shortcomings in the existing building safety regime. On April 28th 2022, The Bill received royal assent and has now passed into law as The Building Safety Act 2022.


The Regulatory Reform (Fire Safety) Order 2005 governs all fire safety matters in England and Wales. Also known as the RRO, this order pertains to fire safety on all non-domestic premises, with some rare exceptions.

New regulations came into force on 23rd January under article 24 of this Regulatory Reform (Fire Safety) Order 2005. This implements the recommendations made to the Government in the Grenfell Tower Inquiry Phase 1 Report which required a change in the law.


The Regulatory Reform (Fire Safety) Order 2005 (RRFSO) fire legislation helps simplify what’s required of schools to be compliant. In schools, as with any other workplace, the RRFSO covers general fire precautions needed to protect users of the building in case of fire.

Discover Fire Safety

Explore Fire Safety from Lyreco, supplied by some of the biggest brands across PPE & safety.

Our Safety Brands

spectrum industrial
Reliance Medical

Fire Extinguishers

Every workplace needs at least one fire extinguisher.

The number and different types of extinguisher required will depend on the size of your workplace as well as the kind of fire risks related to your type of business and premises.

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Fire Extinguishers

Fire Blanket

Lyreco stock the Firechief 1.1m x 1.1m fire blanket which is double-sided, silicone coated K100 glasscloth in a twill weave and an easy-to-use design.

The blanket is held in a soft PVC pack secured by a velcro strap. When the strap is pulled, the blanket is released making it reliable and convenient to access during an emergency.

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Fire Blanket

Fire Safety Signage (Red)

Fire Safety Signs & Signage are displayed as a red rectangle or square with a symbol or text in white providing information about the location and use of firefighting equipment.

This type of signage is often seen near fire alarms, fire extinguishers or in health & safety zones.

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Fire Safety Signage (Red)