Lyreco employee to run
London Marathon tomorrow!

Lyreco employee Laura running the London Marathon 2021

National Account Manager for Lyreco, Laura Meredith, discusses her experience and preparation for the London Marathon 2021.

“I’ve ran on and off over the years, more for fitness than anything. I did a half marathon about 11 years ago, and I always swore that I would never do one again. But I got back into running whilst I was on maternity leave last year, during lockdown. I started running again because I needed a break from being at home, and I could barely run 3k without stopping! Over time it became easier and easier.

“I got to the point where I was able to run 5 miles quite comfortably and started to think about doing something a little bit more challenging. For me, I think if you are mentally prepared for it, that’s half the battle, and you can really go the distance. I did the training, remained consistent and followed a 16-week training plan, which has helped me to prepare physically and mentally. The longest run that I’ve done so far was 18 miles and it was tough, but I woke up the next day feeling good. The plan steadily increased and I’m now in the tapering stage before the marathon this weekend.

“I knew that I wanted to run for a charity and support a good cause, so I’m running for The Anthony Nolan Charity. I know that Anthony Nolan have helped quite a few people that have managed to find transplants when they’ve been through so many cancer treatments and almost, given up hope. People I know have been given a very slim chance of survival and off the back of transplants, from Anthony Nolan, are still here today.

“Speaking to the charity, they feel that it is going to be much more emotional, because there hasn’t been a marathon for the last couple of years. Anthony Nolan and other charities are reliant on donations from events like the marathon to continue supporting people who need it.

“I’m enjoying the process now that I can see the end in sight. I wasn’t looking forward to my longest run, and I found it quite daunting as I saw the mileage go up every week. To be honest, I’ve surprised myself at how well I’ve done. In my head I’ve known that I can do it. When I was running the 18 miles I just carried on running, it hurt, and it was hard. But mentally, I knew that I could do it, which kept me going.

“The thought of my children coming down to watch me, is giving me huge motivation. It’ll be their first time in London and I’ve always felt that it would be nice for them to see me complete the marathon and achieve my goal.

“Once I cross the finish line, I don’t think there’s going to be a huge amount of celebration necessarily. I might try and find somewhere to go for a little drink before we head back from London. I can imagine I’ll be very tired to be completely honest.

“I’ve received sponsorships from some colleagues already, which is really nice, but it would be great if people considered putting themselves down on the donor register, as it can make such a difference.

“I’m really looking forward to the day now, having trained so hard it’ll be nice to complete the marathon after a long training period, in my head I think I’ll be able to do a bit of sight seeing around London, just need to do 26 miles at the same time!”

Everyone at Lyreco wishes Laura the best of luck at the London Marathon this weekend! Laura is a shining example of Lyreco’s values and how we encourage charitable contributions, celebrate individuality and promote physical wellbeing.

To donate to Laura’s charity, please visit: Laura Meredith is fundraising for Anthony Nolan (

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