About Lyreco

Lyreco is more than just a workplace solutions company. We partner with our customers to drive performance, from savings to sustainability.

Lyreco halves carbon footprint

Lyreco’s 22 UK sites have become energy carbon neutral by cutting it’s CO2 emissions by 57% since 2010, the estimated equivalent of 11,000 tonnes of carbon, according to the latest readings.

This reduction in carbon also translates as a 47% reduced carbon emissions against turnover from 2010. Lyreco has met its yearly reduction target every year since 2015 after starting our most significant energy-saving and carbon-cutting initiatives in 2011.


As a business which relies on its own logistics network to deliver to customers across the UK, a key part of the reduction in emissions has been our approach to transport. Since 2013, Lyreco has reduced fuel consumption per delivery by 28%.

This is due to a wide range of logistical enhancements including improved vehicles, route optimisation, consolidation of customer orders, training courses in advanced efficiency driving and the installation of video telematic systems which monitor and assist drivers to navigate their journeys in a safer and more efficient manner. The system tracks cornering, idling, harsh braking and efficiency of speed which is then reviewed on a weekly basis so that teams can be sure of best practice.

Furthering this work, we also signed up to the Clean Van Commitment – an objective to make deliveries in cities zero emissions by 2028.  The initiative is already underway with the implementation of an electric-only fleet in the Ultra Low Emission Zone (ULEZ) in London.

Energy Carbon Neutrality

Since December 2020, we have been powered by 100% renewable energy at 22 of our UK sites, making us energy carbon neutral!

This follows the installation of solar PV in 2015 at our site in Telford, which in 2020, generated 3.09 million Kw/h of green energy (the highest yet) and to ensure all our UK bases are powered by renewable sources, we struck a deal in 2020 which means any electricity we buy from the grid will also be renewable.

As well as using greener energy, we are also using less energy. In 2020, we switched all 55,000 sq. metres of lighting at our Telford HQ to LEDs reducing power used on lighting by 49%. This follows an earlier transformation in 2012/13 which had already cut energy usage by 60%.

At Lyreco we’ve always aimed to constantly reduce emissions and be the most sustainable we can be, because it’s something we are passionate about and believe in. We are really pleased that we’ve come this far and It’s clear our success hasn’t just been down to investment in technology and route optimisation, but the culture of our organisation.
