About Lyreco

Lyreco is more than just a workplace solutions company. We partner with our customers to drive performance, from savings to sustainability.

Enablement Services

Enablement Services

The importance of enablement

People with enablement issues often feel disadvantaged in the workplace. Our job as employers is to remove significant barriers to enable everyone to do their jobs as effectively as possible.

We believe in enabling and empowering individuals, helping them to reach their full potential in their roles.

We do this in three ways:

Reasonable Adjustments

The Equality Act 2010 says that you have a duty to make reasonable adjustments when an employee is placed at a ‘substantial disadvantage’ due to a disability when compared with their colleagues.

We should all make reasonable adjustments because doing so:

Enables people to do their job properly

Boosts staff productivity

Creates an equal environment for everyone

Attracts and retains talent

Fosters business growth

Fulfils your legal obligation to do so

Provide Extra Equipment or Services

This is outlined in the Equality Act 2010 as ‘provision of auxiliary aids, including providing information in an accessible form such as Braille, large print, or email’.

It means that if you can reasonably provide something to enable someone to do their job then you must do so.

Change the way things are done

In the Equality Act 2010, this is described as adjusting your ‘provision, criterion, or practice’. Sometimes the way organisations do things makes life harder for people with disabilities. If it is ‘reasonable’ to change this in a way that doesn’t disadvantage anyone, then you must do so. For example, it is your organisation’s policy for staff to park in a designated car park across the road. Allowing an employee with a mobility impairment to park in the visitor spaces directly outside the office building is likely to be considered a reasonable adjustment.

Change a Physical Feature

In the Equality Act 2010, this is known as making reasonable adjustments to ‘physical features, such as the layout of and access to workplaces’.

It means making changes to the physical features of a building, such as passageways and paths, entrances, exits and stairs.

Overview of Enablement Services

Our Enablement services can support individuals and organisations with assessments and adjustments for neurodiversity and disability. Our start to finish process can triage the requirement, provide a specialised assessment, and make specific recommendations to allow individuals to overcome barriers within their workplace.

A pre-arranged telephone triage with a consultant designed to identify the next steps to assist an individual with finding the correct next steps along the reasonable adjustment process. The triage takes no longer than 15 minutes to complete and will identify a clear plan of action.

£50 +VAT

An important part of helping staff develop effective strategies to cope with difficulties. The assessment will provide reasonable adjustment recommendations that include strategy training, technology and software solutions. Working with the individual to understand their skills, we identify the adjustment package to match their needs.

£499 +VAT

Our In-depth one-to-one session carried out by a fully qualified and registered psychologist specialising in adult neurodiversity. This results in an extensive written report outlining how dyslexia, dyspraxia and dyscalculia affects the employee’s working life.

£599 +VAT

A screening assessment that will identify traits of ADHD. We will assist throughout the process to identify what is required. A report will be provided with the results from this screening.

£599 +VAT

A screening assessment that will identify traits of ASC. We will assist throughout the process to identify what is required. A report will be provided with the results from this screening.

£599 +VAT

This assessment concludes with a written report to help the employer develop a strategy for supporting individuals with hearing loss. This will include precise recommendations for any reasonable adjustments needed.

£525 +VAT

Employees with partial or sight loss can benefit from this assessment, which includes a strategy for overcoming the impact their sight loss might be having. The assessment will include a full report with precise recommendations for any reasonable adjustments needed.

Virtual Assessment: £525 +VAT
In-Person Assessment: £565 +VAT

The Menopause is a natural stage in the life of individuals who go through the menstrual cycle, managing the effects of menopause in work for employees is viewed as difficult for employers, however our assessment is designed to help with recommended adjustments and awareness on how employers can help. Menopause can cause symptoms such as hot flushes, anxiety, difficulty sleeping, and memory problems. Our workplace needs assessment will look at the individual’s needs, current symptoms and possible future symptoms and make recommendations to assist the employee to continue working with the support of their employer.


Your Details

The person who is responsible for arranging and co-ordinating the Enablement Services.
Best contact email for the co-ordination of the Enablement Services. Please use a business email address
Best contact email for the co-ordination of the Enablement Services. Please use a business email address
Best contact phone number for the co-ordination of the Enablement Services.

Service Appointee(s) Details

Who is having the DSE assessment?
Best contact email address
Best contact phone number