About Lyreco

Lyreco is more than just a workplace solutions company. We partner with our customers to drive performance, from savings to sustainability.

WMCA Net Zero

West Midlands Combines Authority – Net Zero Pledge

Lyreco are delighted to have joined and signed West Midlands Combined Authority (WMCA) Net Zero Pledge.

As a leader in the green industrial revolution, WMCA has set out a plan to become a net zero carbon economy by 2041 and have invited companies within the West Midlands to join them and commit to reducing carbon emissions, preparing for the impact of climate change, and become ambassadors for the net zero carbon economy.

This pledge aligns perfectly with our existing vision and goals and will allow us to help contribute to the WMCA regional targets of leading the green revolution and becoming a net zero carbon economy by 2041.

Lyreco UK & Ireland has a target to be carbon neutral by 2030 for Scopes 1-3, and supporting regional targets and making this pledge is important in committing and completing those goals. By joining we hope to help WMCA and other business partners to drive towards meeting these strict targets.

Andrew Bryers, Head of Sustainability at Lyreco UK & Ireland, on joining the WMCA Pledge

Carbon Reduction Plan

We recently released our Carbon Reduction plan, that details the roadmap we are taking to reducing our carbon output, lessen our impact on the environment and meet our ambitious target of becoming carbon neutral by 2030.

We welcome all businesses within the West Midlands to join us in making this pledge with the West Midlands Combined Authorities.
